Prescription without diagnosis is malpractice.

At WBA, we only work with Business Leaders willing to embrace change and recalibrate their thinking into the Growth mindset required to achieve their Vision.

  • As a Business Owner, if you are ready to have an open and honest dialogue about where you really want to go and how we can help you get there, book a free discovery call with our Director Leland today.

  • If we’re a great match, the first step is for us to run a Business Diagnostic on you and your business. This is a non-negotiable first step towards advisory.

    The Business Diagnostic is a thorough deep-dive where we work out how, and if, we can work together.

  • Prescription without diagnosis is malpractice. Without this thorough business assessment, we’re unable to provide the best-tailored advice.

Does this Sound Like You?

→ You are a Business owner looking for a long-term solution and growth

→ Your business has been operating for more than 3 years and you’re now seeking strategic guidance to improve the business operations, increase profits and have more freedom

→ You’re looking to scale your businesses sustainably, leveraging expert advice and support to avoid common pitfalls.

→ You want to grow but you’re stuck working IN the business, not ON it


Leland is the face behind WBA, and is the first person you’ll meet as you start your journey with Advisory towards achieving your ultimate vision for your Business.

Working in a family accounting firm since high-school, Leland has spent his whole life around Business Owners of all types. After studying Economics and Accounting at university, then working in Small Business Accounting, he saw a real divide between what Business Owners needed from their advisers and what they were getting from an annual trip to their accountant.

Leland has worked tirelessly to create an Advisory Firm that helps local businesses realise their potential and understand the life their business can give them. He specialises in long-term strategies and plays a big part in the growth of your business.

Key Aspects of our Advisory Partnerships

Our Advisory Partnerships are bespoke, tailored packages where we work closely with Key People in the business, over a 12-month period, in a deliberate effort to re-focus the business and direct it towards success. Whatever success looks like to you.


Visioneering & Role Determination

Executive Development & Management Excellence

Prioritisation in Change & Strategy Execution

Refinement, expansion and optimisation

Business Alignment

Our goal

The goal of the diagnostic is to drill down into why the Business exists and what the owners really want out of it. We deep-dive into every facet of the business to find out what works and doesn’t work. This determines if you’re making the right choices, in the right order to achieve your ultimate vision for your business, and your goals outside the business.




RESULTS-Focused Advice

Change Management

Ongoing reviews

Key People Development

Let’s get started