We take a holistic approach and acknowledge your business is different from anyone else's

so it's important you only invest in an Advisory that works for you and your business.

Highly Personalised


Holistic Approach


Advisory Partnerships


Highly Personalised | Holistic Approach | Advisory Partnerships |


Wollongong Business Advisers (WBA) was created with the desire to help Business Owners throughout the Illawarra by giving them access to high-level advice, ongoing support & direction they need to achieve their goals.

We saw a gap where Business Owners were trying to make business altering, and often life-changing, decisions by looking at Financial Statements from last year and at best a budget or a dashboard. Through WBA’s Advisory Partnerships we do a deep-dive into what our clients really want out of their business journey, then work with them closely over a minimum 12-month period to prioritise the steps they need to take to achieve their goals.

Our highly personalised packages cater for all industries and business types. What matters to us is that the Business Owners have the willingness to be part of an open & honest Advisory Journey and embrace the change necessary to achieve their vision.

Meet our Director

Wollongong Business Advisor

Leland is the face behind WBA, and is the first person you’ll meet as you start your journey with Advisory towards achieving your ultimate vision for your Business.

Working in a family accounting firm since high-school, Leland has spent his whole life around Business Owners of all types. After studying Economics and Accounting at university, then working in Small Business Accounting, he saw a real divide between what Business Owners needed from their advisers and what they were getting from an annual trip to their accountant.

Leland has worked tirelessly to create an Advisory Firm that helps local businesses realise their potential and understand the life their business can give them. He specialises in long-term strategies and plays a big part in the growth of your business.

Leland Yeo

tHE team

Born out of a long-standing Family Accounting Firm established in 1988, the team behind WBA have seen all the ups and downs Business Owners go through in managing Growth, Change & Adversity.

Often having to manage this without the Strategic Planning and Guidance of an Adviser who’s seen it before.

Wollongong Business Advisor

We don’t undertake advisory partnerships with any business without running a thorough, targeted Diagnostic to see if we are a good fit to help improve their business performance and allow them to get more out of their business.